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Fast This Way

Burn Fat, Heal Inflammation, and Eat Like the High-Performing Human You Were Meant to Be

Profile picture of dave-asprey Dave Asprey (Author)
Jan 19, 2021 | 288 Pages
Fast This Way

Dave Asprey, the founder of Bulletproof, has been sharing his unique insights and expertise with fans for over a decade. His followers look to him for guidance on how to live longer, get smarter, improve their performance, and practice mindfulness.

Dave’s advice is based on the belief that it is possible to be healthier and more powerful than what most doctors believe is possible.

Asprey has been fasting for many years, long before it became popular. If you like Bulletproof coffee or The Bulletproof Diet, you've probably been taking advantage of the Intermittent Fasting benefits as well.

Dave challenges readers to discard everything they believe they know about the ancient practice and guides them on a journey through cutting-edge science to explore how novices and intermittent fasting loyalists can upend their connection with food and improve their fasting game beyond calorie restriction in Fast This Way.

What if eating the right foods at the appropriate times could actually improve your fasting results?
What if how you work out and sleep could convince your body that you are fasting, even when you're not?
What would it be like to easily skip a meal... or two... or three?
Did you know that there are different types of fasts for women and that personalized options exist based on your genes? Also, did you know that fasting can also positively impact mental health?

If you're looking for the latest thinking on fasting, look no further than Fast This Way. This book provides readers with everything they need to know about fasting and how to make the most of their personal biology.

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