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The Longevity Paradox

How to Die Young at a Ripe Old Age

Mar 19, 2019 | 384 Pages
The Longevity Paradox

In his New York Times bestselling book, The Plant Paradox, Dr. Steven R. Gundry outlines a plan for living a long and healthy life.

All of us age from the moment we are born, but that doesn't mean we have to succumb to decline. For most of his career, surgeon Dr. Steven Gundry has treated patients who are getting older.

He knows that the average person wants to live forever--that is until they realize the truth about aging. So how do we solve the problem of wanting to live a long life while still reaping the benefits of youth?

This book has the answer. Dr. Gundry studied thousands of people to discover that our “diseases of aging” are not only a consequence of getting older; rather, they are caused by how we have lived our lives over time.

In The Longevity Paradox, he explores a new strategy to living long—one that is based on supporting the health of the "oldest" parts of us: our body's microorganisms. Our gut bugs—the bacteria that make up our microbiome—had a significant impact on our health over time.

As we age, the quality of our lives can drastically diminish due to diseases like cancer and Alzheimer's or more common ailments such as arthritis. And these problems are only compounded by our weight gain and the change in the appearance of our skin.

Luckily, it's never too late to bolster these microbes and give them the tools they need to succeed. In turn, you will also thrive.

In The Longevity Paradox, Dr. Gundry lays out a nutrition and lifestyle strategy to help you maintain good gut health and live well for decades.

The Longevity Paradox is a unique perspective on the cutting-edge science of aging that offers practical strategies for preventing and alleviating illness as well as simple hacks to make anybody appear and feel younger.

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