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Easy Dairy-Free Ketogenic Recipes

200+ Low-Carb Family Favorites for Weight Loss and Health

Profile picture of maria-emmerich Maria Emmerich (Author)
Jan 02, 2018 | 384 Pages
Easy Dairy-Free Ketogenic Recipes

Making alterations to the ketogenic diet due to preexisting dietary restrictions could be a difficult process; however, when done correctly it can still constitute a balanced and enjoyable way of eating.

Those with dairy intolerances or allergies often battle in attempting to adopt keto recipes, which are regularly dependent on dairy staples like butter, heavy cream, and cream cheese. Fortunately for them, finding delicious alternatives that don't contain dairy can be a breeze.

Maria Emmerich's latest book, Easy Dairy-Free Ketogenic Recipes, offers a practical solution to this challenge. For years she has been instructing her clients on the need for dairy abstinence during their transition into ketosis.

She came to the realization that high-fat dairy products can impede weight loss and hinder healing. To help those who are abstaining from dairy, she dedicated her time to creating a book full of delicious recipes that are safe for them.

By following Maria's mouth-watering, high-fat and low-carb recipes, those who cook dairy-free keto meals will never feel deprived of delicious food!

Maria has devoted a lot of time and effort to crafting an extensive cookbook that is suitable for everyone - even those who don't consume dairy products! All the recipes are full of keto-friendly ingredients so you can enjoy eating healthy without sacrificing taste.

Easy Dairy-Free Ketogenic Recipes is your go-to source for following a keto diet. With over 175 recipes and multiple meal plans tailored to suit many dietary needs, such as AIP and vegetarian diets, this book promises to be the ultimate addition to any keto kitchen!

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