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Beyond Training

Mastering Endurance, Health & Life

Profile picture of ben-greenfield Ben Greenfield (Author)
Apr 15, 2014 | 480 Pages
Beyond Training

You want to achieve physical goals that will make you feel like a champion, both in your appearance and performance.

If you train hard day after day, week after week, and month after month, your body will eventually break down. This can lead to frustrating problems like brain fog, hormone depletion, heart problems, and damaged joints.

You may be limited to living at a fraction of your peak capacity and unable to achieve your full potential. This could potentially destroy your brain, heart gut, and metabolism in the process.

Wouldn't it be incredible if you could have a wonderful physique and still participate in any physical activity or sport that you wanted to, all while not harming your body?

With Ben Greenfield's book, "Beyond Training: Mastering Endurance, Health & Life", you can finally achieve your fitness goals.

This book provides you with every training, nutrition, and lifestyle solution needed to defy the popular belief that it is impossible to be healthy both on the inside and out.

Solutions provided in this book will allow you to look amazing as well as maintain optimal health so that you can compete in intense events such as Ironman triathlons or Crossfit.

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