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Winning the War on Cancer

Apr 28, 2014 | 1213 Pages
Winning The War on Cancer

If you are a cancer patient or doctor, Winning the War on Cancer is an essential read. Dr. Sircus goes beyond merely introducing different theories on various cancer cures and prevention; this 900-page book will show you an entirely new perspective on cancer care.

The book goes into detail about the many different aspects of cancer and its treatments. It covers topics such as nutrition, lifestyle changes, detoxification, immunotherapy, and traditional medicines that have been used in the past.

Dr. Sircus also outlines his own unique approach to treating cancer – a method he refers to as “Minimally Invasive Cancer Care”. This approach focuses on using the body’s own healing mechanisms to treat cancer instead of relying solely on toxic treatments like chemotherapy and radiation.

The book also breaks down the psychological aspects of cancer and how fear, anxiety, guilt, and disappointment can contribute to the illness.

Dr. Sircus discusses different mental and emotional approaches to fighting cancer, such as meditation, positive thinking, and visualization. He also delves into the spiritual side of healing and explains how faith can have an impact on the body’s natural defense system.

With Winning the War on Cancer, readers will gain a greater understanding of this illness and how to effectively battle it with natural treatments and approaches.

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