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The Better Brain Book

Aug 19, 2004 | 336 Pages
The Better Brain Book

Many people believe that the "typical" signs of brain aging, such as forgetting where you put your keys or having trouble multitasking, are inevitable. However, neurologist Perlmutter and co-author Colman say that this is not necessarily true – these changes can be prevented with the right lifestyle choices.

Perlmutter's book is divided into three sections: how diet affects mental function, tools for developing a better brain, and specific brain disorders. He argues that by making dietary adjustments, it is possible to prevent brain aging and improve clarity.

In addition to the harm done by free radicals, Colman and Perlmutter emphasize the threat of prescription or over-the-counter drugs that may lower your brain's ability to function properly. These medications decrease brain antioxidants, leaving more room for hazardous free radicals.

In addition to the typical supplemental solutions, Perlmutter and Colman also suggest new memory-enhancing therapies like hormone replacement. Furthermore, they include a helpful chapter discussing brain toxins found in common foods (e.g., aluminum and mercury), as well as how to avoid them.

This book provides an insightful explanation of how the brain ages and how to protect it, with innovative and practical ideas.

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