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Mitochondria and the Future of Medicine

The Key to Understanding Disease, Chronic Illness, Aging, and Life Itself

Feb 19, 2018 | 353 Pages
Mitochondria and the Future of Medicine

By providing patients and practitioners with the knowledge to optimize mitochondrial function, they can now achieve greater health and a longer lifespan.

What causes the human body to age? How can cancer be prevented from forming, and what ties heart failure with Alzheimer's disease or infertility with hearing loss? Is it possible to extend human life expectancy, and if so, how can this be achieved?

Have you ever been perplexed by the Exercise Paradox or wondered why antioxidant supplements have a tendency to cause more harm than good? You'll be astounded to discover that all of these queries, and countless others, can actually be explained with just one concept: mitochondria and bioenergetics.

In his riveting book, Mitochondria and the Future of Medicine, Naturopathic Doctor Lee Know paints an inspiring account of mitochondria’s journey through time- from forgotten to a revolutionary powerhouse in cells.

The remarkable journey started more than two billion years ago when a bacterium snuck into another and was not consumed - sparking the evolution of the very first mitochondrion.

By comprehending the inner workings of mitochondria, you can add years to your lives. This is because it was mitochondria that enabled life beyond bacteria from its beginning; supplying essential energy to your body and preserving life.

But, current research has also unveiled a sinister hidden truth; many dangerous degenerative diseases share common origins in dysfunctional mitochondria.

Fortunately, modern science has bestowed essential knowledge on how to optimize its workability – a critical factor for human health and longevity.

Dr. Know's research-backed information on supplementation, lifestyle tweaks, and their effective usage is the vanguard of mitochondrial optimization.

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