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Sugar-Free Kids

Profile picture of maria-emmerich Maria Emmerich (Author)
Aug 31, 2021 | 432 Pages
Sugar-Free Kids

Evidence is mounting that sugar consumption has serious adverse effects on both children and adults. From causing hyperactivity, erratic behavior, and mood swings in kids to contributing to the growing childhood obesity pandemic, it's no surprise why consuming too much sugar can be so detrimental to our well-being.

Starting early is key when it comes to preparing your children for healthy adulthood, and best-selling low-carb author Maria Emmerich can show you how.

Not only does she have two boys of her own who are thriving on a diet free from processed sugars and centered around nutritious protein and fat, but Emmerich has seen firsthand the incredible benefits that such an approach can bring!

Sugar-Free Kids equips parents with an array of sugar-free recipes that are kid approved. Maria understands how picky kids' palates can be and constructs her recipes around familiar flavors so they'll love them every time.

Moreover, she also comprehends the hectic lives of modern families who don't have enough hours in a day - balancing all these ingredients into easy-to-make meals!

This cookbook is the perfect solution for busy households; filled with 150 easy-to-prepare recipes that use everyday ingredients, kids can even make some of the dishes by themselves! From classic snacks like graham crackers and gummy bears to more wholesome fare such as chicken nuggets, tacos, and pizza - you'll find all your child's favorites here.

Plus no sugar or processed carbs are used in these recipes either so your children will stay focused plus be healthy without having to compromise on their favorite foods.

Maria expertly caters to children who abstain from dairy, eggs, and/or nuts by providing a range of vegan-friendly recipes. Furthermore, Maria happily offers substitutions for those with dietary restrictions.

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