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Joseph Christiano's Bloodtype Diet A

A Custom Eating Plan for Losing Weight, Fighting Disease & Staying Healthy for People with Type A Blood

Sep 07, 2010 | 192 Pages
Joseph Christiano’s Bloodtype Diet

Struggling to hit your weight-loss goals? Consider that you could be consuming the incorrect foods for your blood type!

Knowing your blood type is essential for achieving lasting weight loss results, as it helps to determine which foods are most beneficial for you. This explains why individuals on the same diet can experience such varied success.

Are you wondering which meals and snacks are best for your type A blood? Worry no more! This book makes it a breeze to create meal plans that match your unique needs with scrumptious recipes like cheese omelets, roasted Cornish hen, fruity smoothies, and more.

Plus, tailored tips just for Type A's make this the top resource if you want to eat healthier while still enjoying every single bite.

Quickly shed the extra weight and achieve your desired body with a tailored diet specific to Type A blood. Unlock the key to your health goals today!

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