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Extreme Dose! Melatonin

The Miracle Anti-Aging Hormone Anti-Alzheimer’s Hormone Anti-Baldness Hormone Menopause Reversal Hormone

Profile picture of jeff-t-bowles Jeff T. Bowles (Author)
Feb 07, 2019 | 310 Pages
Extreme Dose! Melatonin

After years of meticulous research, Jeff is finally revealing their astounding discoveries about the life-changing effects of high doses of melatonin on themselves and others!

This is the first book about amazing anti-aging, anti-Alzheimer’s, and anti-baldness hormone. It contains detailed information on how to use this hormone safely and effectively.

In Extreme Dose! Melatonin: The Miracle Anti-Aging Hormone, Anti-Alzheimer’s Hormone, Anti-Baldness Hormone, Birth Control Hormone, Menopause Reversal Hormone, readers will learn how to take advantage of the powerful effects of melatonin on their health and well-being:

  • How to use different forms of the hormone (including oral tablets and sublingual drops)
  • How much melatonin to take, when to take it, and how long to use it
  • The incredible anti-aging effects of melatonin, including its ability to slow the aging process at the cellular level
  • Its potential as an anti-alzheimer’s hormone, helping to protect against cognitive decline
  • Its potential as an anti-baldness hormone helps to prevent and even reverse hair loss
  • Its potential as a birth control hormone, including its ability to inhibit ovulation
  • Its potential as a menopause reversal hormone, helping to reduce hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause.

Extreme Dose! Melatonin is an essential resource for anyone looking to increase their energy levels, improve their sleep quality and slow down the aging process.

With its detailed information on how to safely and effectively use this powerful hormone, you can reap the amazing health benefits of melatonin without any dangerous side effects!

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