
Cardio exercise is one type of physical activity that generally refers to aerobic exercise, which uses large muscle groups in continuous rhythmic motion to increase heart rate.
Cardio is a great way to improve your health and lose weight. There are many different types of cardio exercises, but the most common way to do cardio is by running or doing some form of aerobic exercise for a certain duration of time.
Generally, it is advisable to do low-impact cardio for longer periods of time at a lower intensity, while high-impact cardio should be done in shorter sessions with more intensity.
Cardio Topics
I run to add like to my days! Running is a great exercise that can be done almost anywhere at any time. You don't need any equipment, just some motivation. It is one of many...
A power walk a day, keeps the doctor away! Walking is a great exercise for people of all shapes and sizes and of any age. It can help improve heart and lung function, strengthen bones and...
Put the pedal to the metal! Cycling helps build lean muscle mass which causes body fat loss. During exercise, the pedaling action builds lean muscle mass in the hips and thighs...
It's just you against you! Crossfit is a training method that can be used to build strength, increase speed, power, flexibility, stamina, and endurance all in the same workout....
HIIT hard or go home! High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a type of cardio that involves intermittent sprinting through exercises with little to no rest between...
Are you ready to step into the ring? Boxing is a martial art that involves punching, hitting, and scoring points. There are two boxing opponents who fight each other while wearing padded...
Speed & Agility
Moving quickly and lightly, in a graceful and nimble manner! Speed and agility are two key components of athletic performance that can be improved by many activities. Speed involves an individual's capability...
Keep rowing, you'll get there! Rowing is a long-distance water sport in which athletes race against each other in boats propelled by oars. It can be enjoyed casually or...
Cardio Machines
Get priceless cardiovascular exercise with the latest machines! Cardio machines are exercise machines that work your cardiovascular system by strengthening your heart and lungs. They help to burn calories and...
Books discussing Cardio
How To Improve Your Triathlon Time
A relaxed and intuitive approach to avoid burnout, go faster, and have more fun!
Feb 23, 2021 | 182 PagesIn How To Improve Your Triathlon Time, New York Times bestselling author and former US national champion Brad Kearns promotes a balanced approach to the obsessive sport of triathlon. He offers a refreshing alternative to the common struggle and suffer mentality that plagues many athletes. Kearns' book provides a comprehensive plan for busy...Learn more about How To Improve Your Triathlon TimePrimal Endurance
Escape chronic cardio and carbohydrate dependency and become a fat burning beast!
Jan 04, 2016 | 380 PagesPrimal Endurance turns the standard on its head and questions the insistence of a high-pressure, ineffectual approach to endurance training. Although marathons and triathlons are widely embraced for their satisfaction and fellowship among competitors, most athletes find themselves fatigued beyond measure with too much body fat even after...Learn more about Primal Endurance
Experts discussing Cardio
Brad Kearns
Author, #1 USA masters 55-59 high jumper, former #3 world pro triathlete, podcast host.Brad Kearns is a New York Times bestselling author, professional Speedgolfer, Guinness World Record-setting high jumper in 2020 (#1 USA-ranked Masters age 55-59), and former national champion triathlete (#3 world-ranked). He has authored twenty books on diet, health, peak performance, and ancestral living. He's also a...Learn more about Brad KearnsMark Sisson
NYT bestselling author of The KetoReset Diet, former endurance athlete, and founder of MarksDailyApple, PrimalKitchenCo, and the PrimalBlueprint.Mark Sisson, the acclaimed New York Times bestselling author of The Keto Reset Diet and also the highly successful Primal Blueprint, is a former world-class endurance athlete as well as one of the most influential voices in the Evolutionary Health Movement. He has even gone on to found his own product line, Primal...Learn more about Mark Sisson