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Healing Arthritis

Profile picture of mark-hyman-m-d Mark Hyman, M.D (Foreword)
Jan 21, 2025
Healing Arthritis

Arthritis has become the top source of physical limitations across the globe, more than both back pain and coronary illness. A particular autoimmune disease called Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is one of its leading causes, affecting 1% of the US population, and almost 68 million people worldwide.

Prescription medications prescribed by conventional medicine often provide temporary relief for arthritis symptoms, yet fail to address the underlying causes of the condition and may have harmful effects on your digestive system and immune functions.

Want to finally heal arthritis in a permanent way? Dr. Susan Blum, one of the most renowned functional medicine experts, is revolutionizing this process with her new book!

Dr. Blum's innovative 3-step protocol is specifically designed to address the root cause of your condition and offer a permanent solution through:

  • Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, and more
  • Healing your gut to restore joint health
  • Reducing inflammation without resorting to medications

Dr. Blum's revolutionary two-week plan is brilliant in quickly diminishing pain through dietary anti-inflammatory supplements and nourishment, followed by a vigorous gut restoration to eradicate harmful bacteria from the body while fortifying its gastrointestinal system for an extraordinary decline of arthritis symptoms and inflammation.

Moreover, it also targets emotional issues that influence inflammation; finally resulting in a simple Mediterranean diet for sustaining sound digestive health at all times.

In Healing Arthritis, Dr. Blum offers a revolutionary approach to attaining gut health and repairing the immune system while controlling inflammation so you can lead a happier and healthier life without arthritis.

Insights from extensive case studies are provided alongside his motivating personal story - this book is your guide to freedom from pain!

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