Recovery by Body Part
Understanding the recovery processes by muscle parts helps you to realize why certain conditions occur after exercising or other injuries, and how long it takes for them to disappear.
The time it takes your body to recover depends on both the intensity of a given workout or how an injury occurred, as well as the amount of time taken between sessions.
Recovery benefits can be achieved through massage therapy, acupuncture, acupressure, chiropractic care, yoga, and other alternative treatments.
Recovery by Body Part Topics
Eyes Recovery
Pamper your eyes! The eyes are very important organs of the body. They facilitate sight, allowing us to see what is around us. They also act like cameras, allowing us...
Back Recovery
We've got your back! Back pain is a health condition that affects people of all ages, regardless of health history. It mainly occurs when the muscles in the back are...
Wrist Recovery
Flex that wrist! Wrists are a very fragile joint, and for this reason, they must be protected from many common things that can cause harm to them. Some of these...
Elbow Recovery
Give your elbow TLC! Elbow injuries can range from mild to severe, depending on the type of injury. The most common types are sprains, fractures, and dislocations....
Hand Recovery
The road to recovery starts here! Whether you work with your hands, play games that require precise hand movements, or just use them for basic everyday tasks, recovery can be...
Shoulder Recovery
Take a load off your shoulders! The shoulder joint is actually one of the most mobile joints in our bodies, allowing us to lift our arms over our heads, throw balls, wave hello,...
Leg Recovery
Give your legs the rest they deserve! There are many ways to go about recuperating from injury. Many athletes and individuals will experiment with different techniques and remedies in...
Knee Recovery
Take your knee recovery to another level! After an injury, it is crucial to give your knee the time it needs to recover properly. Depending on the severity of the injury, this could mean...
Neck Recovery
Ease that pain! One of the most common injuries people suffer is neck pain. It can come on suddenly, after an accident or injury, or it can develop slowly, from...