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The Miracle Mineral

Jan 01, 2004 | 96 Pages
Magnesium The Miracle Mineral

This book reveals how easily and safely supplementing with magnesium can effectively help resolve a plethora of health woes.

Magnesium is an essential mineral for a healthy body, yet even in the most developed nations, many people are deficient.

This book reveals how taking magnesium can help alleviate numerous issues and offers simple and secure ways to supplement it into your diet. It's remarkable that such straightforward solutions can have profound impacts on well-being!

Magnesium gives high-performing athletes the advantage they need to dominate in their sport, allowing them to reign as champions on a global scale.

Magnesium can be a powerful, natural remedy for calming even the most irritable of children - this is why I refer to it as "the ultimate relaxant". It's incredible how much-increased balance and steadiness magnesium brings to one's nervous system!

Magnesium is more than just beneficial; it can save lives! It has been proven to decrease the danger of death from heart-related issues, making it an essential supplement for male individuals undergoing strain.

Don't let magnesium deficiency ruin your life! Incorporating it into your diet may be the missing link to real, tangible health benefits.

You won't believe the dramatic yet positive changes you'll experience once you start taking in more of this essential mineral - make sure not to miss out on these opportunities for enhanced well-being!

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