Anthony DiClementi
Certified nutritionist, personal trainer to celebrities, wellness coach, functional medicine specialist, author, and biohacker.
Anthony is a well-known expert in nutrition, a personal trainer to the rich and famous, a wellness coach, and an integrative medicine specialist.
According to him, the conventional advice we are all given on how to live a better life is incorrect, and biohacking is the correct answer. It appears that he was correct in this because entrepreneurs and top executives are implementing his ideas successfully.
Anthony has empowered himself through biohacking and now aspires to provide others with the same opportunity. In other words, his first book, The Biohacker's Guide, which was published in 2016, was designed to be a body owner's manual.
In his book, he offers ways to improve your physical and mental health, fitness levels, fat loss goals, moods, cognitive skills, and energy.
To do this effectively draws on ideas from functional medicine athletes as well as scientists researching pharmacology who specialize in nutrition and personalized health care. Furthermore, exercise physiology along with the study of applied science related to aging are combined to provide a comprehensive guide.
By sitting down and talking with various experts across different disciplines, he is able to get the latest scoop on research findings, new products, routines, habits, and resources that can help improve the quality of life.
Podcast hosted by Anthony DiClementi
The Biohacking Secrets Show
Biohacker and bestselling author Anthony DiClementi breaks down the most successful, rare strategies to quickly improve physical and mental performance. He meets with various international experts to explore the newest changeable methods, items, routines, habits, and resources for bettering human life. Each episode offers new ways to...Learn more about The Biohacking Secrets Show
Book written by Anthony DiClementi
The Biohacker's Guide to Upgraded Energy and Focus
Jan 21, 2025Is it feasible to improve your physical and mental performance in only 6 months? Do you want to sleep better so that you wake up refreshed and eager to get out of bed? Train your body to create more energy on a cellular level, allowing it to perform at its peak. You don't need superior genes or more willpower. You just need a personalized...Learn more about The Biohacker's Guide to Upgraded Energy and Focus
Topics discussed by Anthony DiClementi
Topics discussed by Anthony DiClementi in books and podcast appearances.
Energy is the essence of life! Energy is what gives us the ability to be alive and do work. It is present in all living things and is essential for our survival. Our bodies need...
Hack your body to reach a peak state of mind and physical performance! Biohacking is a term used to describe the process of making changes to your body, through either physical or biological means, in order to improve...
Sharpen your focus! Focus is the ability to direct one's attention to a task or goal. It allows us to filter out distractions and stay on task. A lack of focus can lead...
As human beings we sleep approximately one third of our lives. Optimize your sleep, so that when you wake up you are reenergized to take the day by storm! Sleep is a natural and necessary part of life that aids in the recovery and rejuvenation of the body. The importance of sleep cannot be stressed...
Are you operating at your peak performance? There are different types of performance: physical, cognitive, and interpersonal. Physical performance is the ability to complete a task using your...
Strive for a balanced diet! Nutrition is the study of how food and drink affect our health. It looks at how our body uses nutrients, and how we can get the most from our diet....
Everyone has their moments of fatigue... Fatigue is a feeling of tiredness, weariness, or exhaustion. It can be acute (short term) or chronic (long term). Acute fatigue is the most...