
Triceps are one of the three muscle groups that make up what is known as the 'arm'. The other two are biceps and forearms. The triceps are responsible for moving the lower arm, which includes elbow flexion, extension, supination, and pronation. Triceps also play a large role in shoulder movement.
Triceps are located on the back of the upper arm and are directly connected to the scapula (shoulder blade), which they move through their range of motion.
There are three heads of the triceps muscle or points from which it branches off: the long head, the medial head, and the lateral head.
Triceps are primarily used in activities where arm strength is required such as climbing, weightlifting, and throwing activities.
Additionally, they help maintain posture when standing or sitting and can even help to protect against injury when falling or slipping.
It's possible to build triceps strength through a variety of different exercises, many of which can be carried out using nothing more than bodyweight. Exercises such as planks and tricep push-ups are ideal for working the lower part of the muscle, while the overhead press may help to tone up the upper portion.
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