Braces and Sleeves
Braces are used to support body parts that are injured or inflamed, including body limbs and body joints. Sleeves are a form of brace that is fitted for the arm.
It is designed as a cast for the arm to allow recovery from fracture, surgery, or infection. Sleeves can also be used to support body movement and fix body growths, similar to braces.
Braces can be removed after the body part has healed enough so it doesn't need support anymore.
Braces and Sleeves Topics
Shoulder Braces
Brace yourself for shoulder support! Whether you have a chronic injury, like carpal tunnel syndrome, or are recovering from a surgery like a rotator cuff repair, you might choose to use...
Tennis Elbow Braces
Start your tennis elbow recovery now! Tennis elbow is a condition in which the muscles and tendons of the forearm become damaged, causing pain. This pain can be more intense on either...
Hinged Knee Braces
Hinged knee braces are designed to provide support and stability to the knee joint while allowing for a full range of motion. There are a number of reasons why you might need a hinged knee brace. Perhaps you're recovering from an injury or surgery, or you have a chronic...