Compression Therapy
Compression therapy is a treatment used to help the body recover from strenuous exercise. It involves a person wearing tight clothing that exerts pressure on the muscles and turns them into smaller blood vessels, which means they can better transport oxygen and resultantly remove carbon dioxide from the body.
Compression therapy has been shown to improve blood flow, resulting in a reduction of heart rates and increased performance.
Using compression therapy for recovery usually involves putting on an elastic bandage or garment. These products are tight but comfortable.
Some are designed to be worn during the day, while others are meant only for the night. A person may need to wear a compression bandage by themselves or with help from another person.
Compression Therapy Topics
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Cold Therapy Machines
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Hinged Knee Braces
Hinged knee braces are designed to provide support and stability to the knee joint while allowing for a full range of motion. There are a number of reasons why you might need a hinged knee brace. Perhaps you're recovering from an injury or surgery, or you have a chronic...