Dr. David A. Jernigan, DNM, DC
An author, researcher, and trailblazing founder of the innovative biotechnology company PhagenCorp.
As the founder and CEO of Biologix Center of Optimum Health, Dr. Jernigan has greatly improved overall structural and functional integrity for people with treatment-resistant chronic illnesses.
With numerous development in precision bioenergetic testing and therapies, Dr. Jernigan is one of the country's leading innovators. But his most current breakthrough, INPT (Induced Native Phage Therapy), may be among his most significant inventions to date.
As a published author of five books, Dr. Jernigan is renowned across the nation as an authority in Bioregulatory and Biological Medicine – a natural treatment approach for people with Lyme Disease who have been resistant to traditional treatments.
His first book on this subject was groundbreaking and has since become highly regarded among medical professionals around the world.
After receiving his Bachelor's degree in Nutrition from Park University with honors, he then completed his doctorate at Cleveland University-Kansas City in Chiropractic Medicine. He is a highly esteemed board-certified Doctor of Natural Medicine and specializes in treating chronic infections and illnesses.
Subsequent to completing his studies, Dr. Jernigan was eligible for Natural and Anthroposophical medicine in Germany, as well as a Certification in Advanced Biological Medicine with the eminent pioneer of European Biological Medicine, Dr. Thomas Rau MD from Paracelsus Clinic based in Switzerland.
Dr. Jernigan holds a certification in Botanical Medicine from the University of Colorado, School of Pharmacy, and is a Research Fellow at the Occidental Institute. In addition, he serves on the Board of The Bioregulatory Medicine Institute.
Dr. Jernigan revolutionized the medical field with his groundbreaking inventions of BioSpectral Emission Sequencing, Matrix Interface Resonance Scanning, Fractal Frequency Modulation, NeuroPhotonic Therapy, Induced Native Phage Therapy, and NeuroCardial Synchronization.
Book written by Dr. David A. Jernigan, DNM, DC
Beating Lyme Disease Second Edition
Living the Good Life in Spite of Lyme
Sep 09, 2024 | 508 PagesThis book is designed to help those suffering from Lyme Disease and other chronic illnesses gain understanding and insight into their condition while providing practical resources for managing symptoms and improving their quality of life. The author provides compassionate advice on how to live a fulfilling life despite being chronically ill....Learn more about Beating Lyme Disease Second Edition