Ashley Reaver, MS, RD, CSSD

Lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley, and creator of the Lower Cholesterol Longer Life Method.

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Ashley is a registered dietitian with a master's degree in Nutritional Science and Policy from Tufts University, and an undergraduate degree in Nutrition and dietetics from Cornell University.

Utilizing many years of work experience in clinical nutrition, outpatient counseling, personalized blood analytics, and education, Ashley developed a program to help individuals lower their cholesterol naturally.

Ashley's approach successfully helps individuals lower their cholesterol levels, avoid medication, and gain a deep understanding of health and nutrition.

She is the creator of the Lower Cholesterol Longer Life Method, offers nutrition counseling in her private practice in Oakland, CA, and teaches nutrition and dietetics courses at the University of California, Berkeley.

Ashley also provides nutrition education through her blog, webinars and seminars, and lectures to healthcare professionals around the country.

Through her work, Ashley helps individuals gain insight into their diet and lifestyle habits so they can make meaningful changes for better health.

Podcast hosted by Ashley Reaver, MS, RD, CSSD